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Account management

Subscriber metrics


Subscriber metrics

Please Note:

Subscriber metrics

Dashboard > Subscriber Metrics displays account service performance information.

Count metrics (for example, account count) are continuously updated, whereas relative metrics (totals/month) are updated on the first day of each month. Over time, the table presenting metrics expands to a full year’s data. Thereafter, the oldest month is dropped from the table and the data for the current month is added. Metrics older than one year can be retrieved by running reports.


Field Description
Subscriber Count (Rolling Year to Date) Total number of accounts in the month.
Total Subscribed Capacity (Rolling Year to Date) Total subscribed capacity in the month.
Total Authentications per Month (Rolling Year to Date) Total number of authentications in the month.
Total Users per Month (Rolling Year to Date) Total number of users that can authenticate in the month. The totals for previous months reflect the total on the last day of the month.
Average Authentications per User (Rolling Year to Date) Total authentications/month divided by the total number of users that can authenticate in the month. The totals for previous months reflect the total on the last day of the month.
Number of Evaluation Accounts (Rolling Year to Date) Number of accounts initially marked as evaluation at the time of account creation in the month.
Most Active Subscribers The five accounts with the highest average authentications per user in the preceding month, listed in descending order (most to least).
Least Active Subscribers The five accounts with the fewest average authentications per user in the preceding month, listed in ascending order (least to most authentications/user).